Here’s why hippogallery is your next favorite tool


If you’ve ever tried to share, contribute to, or collect photos through a photo sharing app, website, or software, you likely know the struggles of creating an account, building folders, making sure everybody has the right link, sharing specific files easily, and more. It’s a hassle, to say the least, and it isn’t particularly fun for anybody involved.

Whether you’re a photographer attempting to share photos with clients, an organization trying to collect or distribute photos to employees, or just an organized family member trying to share photos with grandma and grandpa...HippoGallery is about to be your favorite secret weapon for making sure your photos are all in one place, easy to share, and even easier to navigate.

Invite & Share Without Registering

Sharing photos should be easy. Requiring contributors and viewers to create an account is the opposite of hassle-free. That’s why we don’t require it! You can distribute photos or request uploads from friends, employees, or families without having to convince them to follow the steps of creating an account. As long as you use your gallery’s unique, direct link, they can upload or view with ease.

Unique, Direct Links

Photo sharing has long involved links to messy or poorly organized folders, difficult-to-navigate websites, and even more difficult sub-folders. Not anymore. HippoGallery makes it easier than ever to copy your gallery’s unique direct link and share with recipients. You can text them a link, include it in an email, or even post it publicly for people to see. This function is great for family group chats, organization-wide memos, or service providers looking to share their photo portfolio with others. You won’t have to worry about your not-so-tech-savvy recipients fumbling through folders, navigating confusing websites, or getting lost in the shuffle of different organization styles. They can simply click the link embedded within your email or sent to their group chat and be transported directly to the gallery that they belong to. From there, sharing, uploading, and viewing is a breeze.


Unlimited (Yes, Unlimited) Photos

No more worrying about reaching your storage limit or maxing out your free trial of limited storage capacity. HippoGallery doesn’t want to limit the number of memories or milestones you share and save. Our platform allows you to save an unlimited number of files at no extra charge, which means you don’t have to scour through your galleries to delete photos you might not want to keep in order to make room for more.